Every now and then Mr. K and I get on an orange juice kick. We are on one now. I was sitting at the computer drinking some when the back of the carton caught my eye.
Tropicana is working with Cool Earth to save the rainforests! For every code you enter, Tropicana will preserve 100 square feet of rainforest. Every container has a code, so the more OJ you drink the more rainforest you save!
For more information, or to enter a code, just visit www.tropicanarainforest.com. You can also check out Cool Earth's site.
And, don't forget, orange juice is hugely good for you! No fat. No sodium. Tons of potassium and vitamin C. Plus, you get 2 servings of fruit in every 8 oz. glass!
So, drink up and help the Earth!
Tropicana is working with Cool Earth to save the rainforests! For every code you enter, Tropicana will preserve 100 square feet of rainforest. Every container has a code, so the more OJ you drink the more rainforest you save!
For more information, or to enter a code, just visit www.tropicanarainforest.com. You can also check out Cool Earth's site.
And, don't forget, orange juice is hugely good for you! No fat. No sodium. Tons of potassium and vitamin C. Plus, you get 2 servings of fruit in every 8 oz. glass!
So, drink up and help the Earth!

Here's just a suggestion...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qerc7a_dL_I&feature=player_embedded
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