Mrs. K's Loaded Baked Potato Salad
I don't know exactly where I came up with this recipe. I think it has just sort of evolved over the years. Anyway it is delicious, and you should try it. The only thing I might caution you on is that if you cook the potatoes in any way other than boiling...they tend to dry out. So, in that sense it doesn't keep well, but you can always make extra "sauce" to add to it the next day and problem solved.
Here is what you need, and feel free to adjust the quantities to suit your own tastes:
Here is what you need, and feel free to adjust the quantities to suit your own tastes:
- 2 lbs of potatoes (if you are taking this to a BBQ for a group I would do the whole 5lbs bag) and I use the the little red ones. I wash them, but do not peel them.
- A bottle of Ken's Buttermilk Ranch dressing
- A pound of bacon cooked EXTRA EXTRA crispy. Cool it on a paper towel, and chop into tiny pieces.
- 16 oz. of sour cream
- 1 yellow onion, finely chopped
- A few stalks of celery, finely chopped (enough to make a cup)
- 1/4 cup real mayonnaise
- 5 hard boiled eggs, chopped and cooled
1. I chop the potatoes into pretty small chunks and cook them in a frying pan with some butter and salt. Basically, you are making home fries. Put them to the side to cool.
2. The sauce. I hate mayo. So, I tried to make a similar consistency without a mayo taste or smell. Basically just mix the sour cream, ranch dressing, mayo, onion, and celery all together.
3. Toss the egg, potatoes, and bacon together together.
4. Mix the sauce in until everything is coated.
Let me know what you think.
I'm Baaaackk....
Did you miss me?
Don't lie.
I can't believe I wrote nothing for all of July. My excuse is that I went back to work after my foot resting episode and I took an accelerated summer class. I enjoyed the class even though it was super demanding. Monday through Thursday 6:00 to 8:30. We had a paper due and a test every Monday. Lots and lots of reading, but I found the subject matter interesting, so it wasn't too bad. It wasn't required for my degree, but it boosted my GPA. I got an A. The fall semester starts on the 25th, so I have a little time to myself and OD in the meantime.
Speaking of OD, I officially hate my job. I feel so burnt out. I don't have any pride or passion for what I do. I have looked around a little bit, but so far nothing. I really just want to go to school and get it done, but that is a scary idea for Mr. K, since he is a $$$$$ man. I say you need to spend $ to make $, and my education is an investment and the sooner I get done the better off we all will be.
What else? I got a hummingbird feeder. And, I have been watching like a little kid waiting for Santa for them to come. Up until 2 days ago...nothing. But, after my horrible day on Monday I was sitting outside with Cori and sure enough one came. It was really cool 'cause he came at sat in the tree, then he flew right up to my face...so close I flinched. Then I told him about the feeder and he flew away like he was leaving, but then turned and went over to it. YAY! His name is Sheridan.
Mark's brother and his wife are expecting a baby girl. Better them than me.
I started experimenting with essential oils. I wanted them to add to my homemade cleaning products. So far I have really only put them in the laundry, but I have read about mixing a few drops into the box of baking soda and scenting it for say, sprinkling on the carpet. I got lime and mandarin orange. And, its no joke...A LITTLE GOES A LOOOONG WAY.
Happy 25th Anniversary to Bobby & Jan!
I am off to buy some stones...
Hope your all having a great summer!
Don't lie.
I can't believe I wrote nothing for all of July. My excuse is that I went back to work after my foot resting episode and I took an accelerated summer class. I enjoyed the class even though it was super demanding. Monday through Thursday 6:00 to 8:30. We had a paper due and a test every Monday. Lots and lots of reading, but I found the subject matter interesting, so it wasn't too bad. It wasn't required for my degree, but it boosted my GPA. I got an A. The fall semester starts on the 25th, so I have a little time to myself and OD in the meantime.
Speaking of OD, I officially hate my job. I feel so burnt out. I don't have any pride or passion for what I do. I have looked around a little bit, but so far nothing. I really just want to go to school and get it done, but that is a scary idea for Mr. K, since he is a $$$$$ man. I say you need to spend $ to make $, and my education is an investment and the sooner I get done the better off we all will be.
What else? I got a hummingbird feeder. And, I have been watching like a little kid waiting for Santa for them to come. Up until 2 days ago...nothing. But, after my horrible day on Monday I was sitting outside with Cori and sure enough one came. It was really cool 'cause he came at sat in the tree, then he flew right up to my face...so close I flinched. Then I told him about the feeder and he flew away like he was leaving, but then turned and went over to it. YAY! His name is Sheridan.
Mark's brother and his wife are expecting a baby girl. Better them than me.
I started experimenting with essential oils. I wanted them to add to my homemade cleaning products. So far I have really only put them in the laundry, but I have read about mixing a few drops into the box of baking soda and scenting it for say, sprinkling on the carpet. I got lime and mandarin orange. And, its no joke...A LITTLE GOES A LOOOONG WAY.
Happy 25th Anniversary to Bobby & Jan!
I am off to buy some stones...
Hope your all having a great summer!
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