Most of us have a treasured memory of a particular party or a special birthday gift.
I remember Kathy used to make it that person's "day". And, on your day you got to pick what was for dinner! This is something that I have kind of adopted in my own house. Even though I don't have children, my husband and I celebrate our days in a similar way. On his day, he gets to pick what's for dinner, what we do (usually he picks bowling), and I can't get mad at him for anything or tickle him.
Birthday parties are something many of us took for granted growing up. The cake. Opening presents. We didn't stop and think about it, but how did those things get to us?
For many children they don't. For some kids, birthdays come and go with no cake and no presents. I was watching the Rachel Ray show the other day, which I never do, and caught a story about a woman in MA who throws birthday parties for homeless children. It was short, but eyeopening because you don't always think about things like that unless it affects you.
On the website you can volunteer or donate party supplies.
If you live in MA (or even if you don't) check out the website and see how you can make a difference.
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