I have plantar fasciitis and a heel spur on my right side. So, I have been hobbling around the house like a little old lady, and I am midway through week 2 of not working. It is most painful when I get out of bed in the morning or when I am on it too much in a day.
It all started with my breast surgery last November. I was out for 2 weeks and completely incapacitated. When you have that kind of surgery it really puts lifting, and arm movement of any kind, into perspective for you. Anyway, the day I returned to work (I think it was December 19th)...my heel started hurting.
While Mr. K is the king of NOT going to the doctor, I am probably the duchess. He doesn't go at all, I go only when it gets bad.
My heel got bad.
When I first went to the podiatrist in mid January he recommended ice packs every 4+ hours, stretching exercises, and as much rest as possible. He also prescribed an anti-inflammatory and took a bunch of x-rays.
My next appointment was the middle of February (about a month before the wedding), and I totally spaced it.
March was the wedding, and April was the wedding recovery.
That brings us to appointment #3 in the beginning of May. Since little had improved, he brought up the shots. Cortisone shots that is. I had heard of the shots before, mostly from my grandmother who gets them in her knees.
I was afraid. I was very afraid.
I know I am in nursing school, but to be honest, that makes it worse. When I know what's going on it freaks me out...unless its happening to someone else, then I'm fine.
Anyway, I avoided the shots. I felt like I needed more time to prepare. He gave me an oral prescription for Prednizone, which I never took. Lots of nasty side effects. But, that was when he gave me the note to be out of work AND REST (my heel). You might not think so, but retail is surprisingly physical. I like how webMD describes the average patient as "middle aged or someone who is on their feet a lot like an athlete or a soldier". That is what I'm going to call myself from now on a retail soldier!
Plantar Fasciitis-Topic Overview
This brings us to appointment #4, which was yesterday. The shot day. Naturally, Mr. K was out of town, as he usually is when I feel I need him.
My grandmother had this to say about the shots: "They are excruciating, but after a few days you'll feel better."
My boss had this to say: "I had to get them in my shoulder and I thought I was going to die. They took this really long and really thick needle and they go all the way to the bone and squirt medicine. Then come out inch by inch squirting the medicine until its out."
I still can't figure out if either of them were trying to be helpful or not.
What actually happened was he felt up my heel for the best place to go in and the target areas based upon my pain. Then he cleaned my foot with alcohol and sprayed something I never caught the name of for 15 seconds to "freeze" the point of entry. It was COLD! So cold it felt burny. Then the "long, thick needle".
I was laying flat on my back staring at the fluorescent lights, and taking deep breaths. It was by no means pleasant, but it was bearable. It took a minute or two from start to finish. The shots have a mixture of cortisone and lidacaine, so it gets a little easier as you go. The worst part was when he moved to a new location within my heel. Both the good Dr, and my grandmother said "it isn't the needle that hurts, it's the medicine going in". I am not sure what to say about that, or what exactly that means, but there it is.
I was happy to walk out of the office myself without the assistance of a wheelchair, and tonight my heel does seem to feel better, even though the lidacaine should be long gone by now.
The shots allegedly alleviates 50% or more of the pain, set to start after the initial 3 days or so, and last around a month.
So, there you go!
Read more here and here.
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