My Dream...

Candy Cane Cupcakes

1 box of white cake mix
3 egg whites
1 & 1/3 cups white cranberry juice
1 tsp. Peppermint extract, divided
2 containers of white frosting
1 cup of crushed candy canes
1. Prepare mix according to package instructions, but substitute cranberry juice for water. Stir in 1/2 the peppermint extract.
2. Bake cupcakes according to box instructions.
3. Stir in remaining extract to frosting. Fill a zip top bag with icing, snip a small corner of the bag, and pipe icing onto each cupcake. Sprinkle each cupcake with candy cane.
P.S. Chocolate cupcakes with the peppermint might be a nice combo as well!
So Have A Cup Of Cheer

Candy Cane Martini
Dip the rim of a martini glass in peppermint schnapps and then into some crushed candy cane pieces. In a shaker, mix peppermint schnapps and vodka with ice (the ratio should be 3 to 1, vodka to schnapps). Strain into martini glasses and garnish with a mini candy cane.
Gingerbread Man
In a shaker, combine 1 shot of vanilla vodka, 1 shot of Frangelico, & 1/2 shot of butterscotch schnapps with ice. Strain into a high ball glass filled with ice. Top with 1/2 c. of ginger beer. Float a splash of dark rum and garnish with a gingerbread man cookie.
Mistletoe Mojito
Pour 3 shots of mojito mix, 1 shot of light rum, and 1 shot of club soda over a glass of ice. Stir and top with a sprig of mint and 2 Tbl. pomegranate seeds.
Pomegranate Champagne
Place a sugar cube in a champagne flute and pour an ounce of pomegranate juice over it. Add 3 ounces of champagne and top with pomegranate seeds.
Spiked Cider
Mix 4 parts hard apple cider to 1 part apple brandy. Pour over ice and garnish with an apple wedge or a cinnamon stick.
White Hot Chocolate
In a saucepan on medium heat, heat 4 cups of milk and 2 cups of half-and-half to just below the simmering point. Remove the pan from the heat and add 1 lb. chopped white chocolate. When the chocolate is melted, add 2 tsp vanilla, seeds from 2 vanilla beans, and 1/3 cup Grand Marnier, and whisk vigorously. Reheat very gently and serve.
Cranberry Snowdrift
Rim a martini glass with granulated sugar. Shake 1 oz creme de cacoa, 1 oz cranberry juice, and 1/2 oz of white chocolate liquer together with ice. Pour into glasses. To garnish, thread whole cranberries onto a cocktail pick; dip in water and roll in sugar to coat evenly. Perch the pick in the glass, and top the cocktail with shaved dark chocolate.
Things To Do With Candy Canes

Granted, I love mostly everything peppermint, but its like a "What came 1st, the chicken or the egg?" Do I love peppermint because it reminds me of a candy cane or do I love candy canes because they are peppermint? The world may never know. I, however, like to believe its the 1st one.
So, here are 10 things you can do with your candy canes...
1. Grind them into a fine powder to make a peppermint sugar.
2. Crush them into small chunks and use as a holiday garnish for cupcakes, drinks, ice cream, etc.
3. Make a festive swizzle stick to stir hot chocolate, coffee, tea, cappuccino, etc.
4. Mix them into holiday brownies, cookies, fudge, cakes, etc.
5. Melt some chocolate, then dip a pretty spoon into it and roll around in some crushed candy canes or dip the candy canes themselves for a unique stirrer (and/or party favor).
6. Make peppermint bark.
7. Grind them up for a festive glass rimmer for Christmas cocktails.
8. You can dip just about anything in chocolate, roll it in crushed candy cane, and you have a great homemade Christmas gift. Pretzels, Oreos, graham crackers...just wrap them up in a pretty cellophane bag, a festive tin or box, and tie with ribbons!
9. They make great decorations. Sure, you can hang them on the tree, but you can also fill a vase with some candy canes, tie a red bow around it and you have an instant centerpiece. The possibilities really are endless!
10. Save them away for Valentine's day...when you put 2 together they make a pretty red and white heart!
Get creative!

When This Season Stresses You Out...Here's Something To Think About...
There would be: (remember this is if the entire world population was shrunk down to 100 people)
57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 from the Western Hemisphere,both north and south
8 would be Africans
52 would be female
48 would be male
30 would be white
70 would be non-white
70 would be non-Christian
30 would be Christian
89 would be heterosexual
11 would be homosexual
6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth and all 6 would be from the USA.
80 would live in substandard housing
70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer from malnutrition
1 would be near death
1 would be near birth
1 (yes, only 1) would have a college education
1 (yes, only1) would own computer.
When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, we realize the need for acceptance, understanding and education.
So therefore . . .
If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world.
If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.
If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death, you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.
If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.
If you can read this message you are more blessed than the over two billion people in the world who cannot read at all.
As you read this you can look at it two ways.
One, you realize how lucky, blessed and fortunate you are, and appreciate everything in your life (And you are fortunate just for the fact that you have access to a computer).
Two, you can read it and feel compassion for those who live in fear, poverty and sickness. My hope is that everyone can feel both.
Lots of times when something bad happens or we hear something like this we say "Why can't somebody do something?" I challenge you to turn that question on yourself and ask "What can I do to help?"
Do You Remember?

Kathy's Potatoes

Mrs. K's Peppermint Bark

This recipe was born of the same frustration as my chocolate covered graham crackers. I bought a box of this as a gift for someone. This time it was from Williams Sonoma (my other favorite store). And, again it was $20 plus.
So, Mr. K and I reinvented the wheel.
I LOVE all things peppermint, and this bark is not exception. And, this recipe is even easier than the grahams!
a bag of dark chocolate chips
a bag of white chocolate chips
a box of candy canes
milk or cream
wax paper
1. Lay the wax paper out so it's ready for you.
2. Crush the candy canes. You can do this with a food processor or put them in a baggie and bang them with the back of a spoon. In either case, they should be pea sized or smaller, but not made into a powder.
3. In a double boiler, melt the dark chocolate until its smooth. Pour out onto the wax paper.
4. In a double boiler, melt the white chocolate. White chocolate doesn't melt as well as regular chocolate, so may need to add a splash of milk or cream to keep it smooth. You want to keep it the consistancy of the dark chocolate. Once it is, pour it out over the dark chocolate, and LEAVE IT ALONE! If you play with it, it won't be "layered" it will be "marbled".
5. Sprinkle candy cane crumbs over the melted white chocolate, and press them in GENTLY.
6. Allow the bark to cool completely. The refridgerator works well. Once cool, break it up into chunks.
Mrs. K's Chocolate Covered Graham Crackers

Anyway, my Aunt Irene always remembers us at Christmas. And now that we live far apart and almost never see one another...our exchanges at Christmas usually consist of some yummy treats!
I came across chocolate covered graham crackers one year in one of my catalogues and sent them off to her. They were from Crate & Barrel so I am sure they were good, since they are my favorite store! But, even though I knew they were good, I did say to myself "I just spent $25 on chocolate covered graham crackers"!
So, I decided to recreate their awesomeness for much much less. And, I did! Here is the recipe, and I really encourage you to try it. I made them a few weeks ago with my grandmother, and we put 2 in those little Christmas cellophane bags and tied them with pretty ribbons. She gave them as a gift for her friends at the senior center. And, 2 is plenty, since they are very rich!
a box graham crackers, any kind
a bag of chocolate chips, any kind
1 cup of confectioner's sugar, divided
about 1/4 cup of milk or cream, divided
red & green food color
wax paper
1. Break the graham crackers in half, so they are squares, not rectangles.
2. Divide the sugar into two parts. One for red and one for green. Add the milk a tiny bit at a time. You want it to be able to lift up a spoonful, and let it run off quickly, but NOT be watery. Once you get a good consistancy, add the food color for a red and green drizzle once the cookies are cool. Set aside.
3. Lay out sheets of wax paper to place the cookies on once you have dipped them, so they can cool.
4. Melt the chocolate chips in a double boiler. If you decide to do white chocolate or something other than a variation of regular chocolate, you may need to add milk or cream to get it smooth.
5. Once the chocolate is smooth, remove it from the heat, and start coating the squares. The chocolate will be EXTREMELY hot, so try not to use your fingers. Tongs, spoons, and skewers work well. Coat all sides, and lay on the wax paper to cool.
6. Allow to cool until chocolate is firm and matte. Drizzle with red and green frosting, and allow to set over night in the refridgerator.
Make Your Own...

Just kidding.
Well, sort of...I do make many of the gifts I give to people. And, it isn't nearly as difficult, or time consuming, as you might be thinking. In fact, I think it is much faster than driving around to different stores, searching for that elusive perfect gift, not to mention a place to park!
I promise it's easy, and I promise you can do it!
I am not sure when exactly I started, but I do remember my grandmother baking little breads and cookies when I was growing up. She used to decorate them with ribbons and bows, and make me take them to all the neighbors. It was just a thoughtful thing she used to do.
My own version of this has evolved somewhat over the years, and yours can as well. To give you an example, the very first Christmas I spent with my in-laws, I made a gift basket for my mother-in-law. Since we were also meeting for the first time, I had absolutely no clue what her likes/dislikes were or what kind of taste she had. I suppose I could have deferred to my then boyfriend's advice, but to be honest I didn't really trust him all that much. And, even though now we are married, I still don't. In fact, I think I might trust him a little less now that I know him so well. I'M KIDDING!!!
But back to my story...
I decided I could at least make her gift a personal and thoughtful one. And, since I didn't know her, that would have to mean letting her know about me. I am from New England, and they live in Florida. So, the I got a cranberry colored basket and filled it with all things New England - Vermont maple syrup, Maine blueberry pancake mix, maple sugar candy, salt water taffy, apple butter, preserves, Boston baked beans (the candy kind), etc etc.
It turned out so well...that I started doing it every year for at least 1 person on my list. And, I think its especially good for "couples" gifts since you may not know one as well as the other, and its so much more personal than gift cards.
A breakfast basket is one of my favorites! You can fill it with lots regular and inexpensive things, like...pancake mix, syrup, English muffins, jams, a spatula, etc. Just arrange everything in a pretty mixing bowl, wrap it up with cellophane and ribbon, and Christmas morning it taken care of!
And, why stop at breakfast? Any cuisine can theme a "basket" check out a bargain book section for cookbooks and run with it! Last year I gave 2 people a "soup and sanwhich basket" with soup and sandwhich cookbooks, some cute Christmas soup bowls, and a couple of cans of Campbell's Soup. Perfect for a chilly day lunch!
Another thing to keep in mind is that is doesn't have to be limited to Christmas.
My grandmother's friend Beverly had a heart attack over the summer, and was down for several weeks. My grandmother mentioned to me that she was going to send flowers, which is always a nice gesture, but why not something a tad more useful? I gave my grandmother the idea of making up a basket with some teabags, crossword puzzle books, magazines, books, cookies. After all, they sell clear cellophane too! She decorated it up with bright colored ribbons and bows, added a get well card, and spent a whole lot less than some flowers would have cost!
And, I know it was appreciated while Bev was recouperateing!
So, get creative! And keep in mind that literally any theme can be made into a little basket!
Let me know if you need any help!
Just Believe...

No Turkey Eggs?

I had the answer!
1) Turkeys don't start laying eggs until they are much older than chickens, so raising them for eggs would take longer.
2) They are not cost effective 'cause they are so much bigger than chickens so you would raise less turkeys in the same area as many more chickens.
3) Turkeys are possessive of their eggs where chickens are not. So, collecting them up is more difficult and time consuming.
4) They lay less eggs than chickens so it makes more sense to just use the eggs for more turkeys.
There you go...now you know!
Taffy Apple Pizza

2 Granny Smith apples, peeled and thinly sliced
3 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon sugar
1-tablespoon all-purpose flour
1-tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 1/4 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons chopped pecans
6 (14 x 18-inch) sheets phyllo dough, thawed according to package directions
1-tablespoon butter, melted
3 tablespoons store-bought caramel sauce
1. Combine the apples, the 3 tablespoons sugar, the flour, lemon juice, and 1 teaspoon of the cinnamon in a bowl; set aside.
2. Combine the pecans with the remaining 1teaspoon sugar and remaining 1/4-teaspoon cinnamon in a small bowl; set aside.
3. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Spray a 12-inch pizza pan or a large baking sheet with nonstick spray. As you work, keep the large sheets of phyllo covered with plastic wrap to keep them from drying out. Lay one sheet of phyllo, across the pizza pan; lightly spray with nonstick spray. Repeat layering the remaining 5 sheets of phyllo, spraying each sheet lightly with nonstick spray. Roll the edges of the phyllo in to make a rimmed edge.
4. Arrange the apple mixture in concentric circles on the phyllo. Brush the apples with the melted butter, then sprinkle the pecan mixture. Bake until the edges of the phyllo are golden brown and apples are tender, about 45 minutes. Let cool on the pan on a rack 30 minutes, then drizzle with the caramel sauce.
Don't Forget To Vote

NV is one of thirty states with early voting!
And for those of you who told me you would only vote if the like wasn't too long...
Keep in mind, you live in a country where you can vote,
and that is reason enought as to why you should vote!
When the line looks too long,
think about someone in another country
who doesn't have the option of standing in a line like that!
Women weren't allowed to vote in the US until 1920.
Only a generation or two back. Think about all the women who fought for our suffrage.
Think about the women in your own family, who weren't allowed to vote,
and vote for them!
Squeeze The Cheese...

Truthfully, I don't know, but I have always loved it. Maybe I get it from my grandfather because he ate cheese and crackers a lot when I was growing up. I like it on more than just crackers, though. It is a staple in my salads, a must on garlic bread, and even though Mr. K tells me not to, if I order the pizza it has to have extra cheese.
I don't consider myself a foodie, but cheese is one area where I like high quality and I will experiment a bit. And, its always been that way. Ever since I was very little my salad dressing of choice has been bleu cheese.
Cheese is also an area where I think organic is a must. Check out this site. It has a ton of information on why organic cheese is better tasting and better for you.
And, I am a huge advocate of doing a taste test. Make someone else set it up so they know which is which and you don't. Truly, this is the best way to prove to yourself that there is a difference and organic does taste better. I really haven't been let down yet. When I tried it with fresh pineapple, it changed my life.
I usually buy my cheese at Whole Foods. If you can pretty much find it at any grocery store these days.
Organic Candy

Yesterday, someone who knows about my blog asked if I was giving out organic Halloween candy. Well, I wasn't, but that was only because it was for people I didn't know and I went the lazy route.
But, then they asked me if they make such a thing.
Of course they do!
I think it's important to remember that there is pretty much an organic version of everything.
Organic isn't a creating a whole new way of doing things that someone needs to invent. It is a choice to make things in the same way, using better ingredients and methods.
Here are some links to organic candy sites. It might be too late this Halloween, but keep them in mind for gift giving anytime of the year!
College Farm Organic Candy
Pamela's Raw Organic Candy
Pure Fun
Sugar Coated Organics
You Can Thank The Irish!

People have been making jack o'lanterns at Halloween for centuries, but have you ever wondered why? The practice originated from an Irish myth about a man nicknamed "Stingy Jack."
The legend goes something like this...
Stingy Jack invited the Devil to have a drink with him. True to his name, Stingy Jack didn't want to pay for his drink, so he convinced the Devil to turn himself into a coin that Jack could use to buy their drinks. Once the Devil did so, Jack decided to keep the money and put it into his pocket next to a silver cross, which prevented the Devil from changing back into his original form.
Jack eventually freed the Devil, under the condition that he would not bother Jack for one year and that, should Jack die, he would not claim his soul. The next year, Jack again tricked the Devil into climbing into a tree to pick a piece of fruit. While he was up in the tree, Jack carved a sign of the cross into the tree's bark so that the Devil could not come down until the Devil promised Jack not to bother him for ten more years.
Soon after, Jack died. As the legend goes, God would not allow such an unsavory figure into heaven. The Devil, upset by the trick Jack had played on him and keeping his word not to claim his soul, would not allow Jack into hell. He sent Jack off into the dark night with only a burning coal to light his way. Jack put the coal into a carved-out turnip and has been roaming the Earth with ever since. The Irish began to refer to this ghostly figure as "Jack of the Lantern," and then, simply "Jack O'Lantern."
In Ireland and Scotland, people began to make their own versions of Jack's lanterns by carving scary faces into turnips or potatoes and placing them into windows or near doors to frighten away Stingy Jack and other wandering evil spirits. In England, large beets are used. Immigrants from these countries brought the jack o'lantern tradition with them when they came to the United States. They soon found that pumpkins, a fruit native to America, make perfect jack o'lanterns.
There you have it! Another frightening superstition by the Irish!
It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!
The first order of business being pumpkins. I love seeing them in the store because for me its one of the first indications that "the holidays" are just around the corner. And, as most of you know, I am a Christmas freak.
I, also, enjoy carving them, and I especially love the seeds.
Growing up, however, the only pumpkins I consumed were the ones I dug out of the Harvest Mix. Like, most things I hate and don't eat...I have a story about why. Basically, I was forced to eat a piece of pumpkin pie at a very young age by a friend of my parents. First of all, I hate pie. Not just pumpkin pie, but all pie. Secondly, I think pie in general, and especially pumpkin pie, is a pretty adult dessert. At any rate, the whole experience was a bad one, and it set the tone for the next 20 years or so.
Even though I still hate pie, I have grown to savor the flavor of pumpkins. And, they just happen to be super good for you. Not only is pumpkin loaded with vitamin A and antioxidant carotenoids, particularly alpha and beta-carotenes, it’s a good source of vitamins C, K, and E, and lots of minerals, including magnesium, potassium, and iron. Half a cup of canned pumpkin has 3.5 grams of fiber. All this, AND zero cholesterol! Which is great news for your immune system and can also help prevent heart disease and cancer!
The seeds are also worth snackin' on. Pumpkin seeds, also called pepitas, are loaded with minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. They seem to have an anti-inflammatory effect, and may even help protect against prostate cancer and osteoporosis. A quarter cup has 1.5 grams of fiber.
- Pumpkins are the largest fruit in the world, and are 90% water.
- The name pumpkin originated from the Greek word for "large melon" which is "pepon." "Pepon" was changed by the French into "pompon." The English changed "pompon" to "Pumpion." American colonists changed "pumpion" into "pumpkin."
- The ‘Pumpkin Capital of the World’ is Morton, Illinois. Home of Libby’s pumpkin industry.
- Although pumpkins are usually orange or yellow, some are dark green, pale green, orange-yellow, white, red and gray.
Bean Brownies?!?!?!?!!?

A Billion Trees

- The shade and wind buffering provided by trees reduces annual heating and cooling costs by 2.1 billion dollars.
- Each average-sized tree provides an estimated $7 savings in annual environmental benefits, including energy conservation and reduced pollution.
- A single tree produces approximately 260 pounds of oxygen per year. That means two mature trees can supply enough oxygen annually to support a family of four!
- Water originating in our national forests provide drinking water for over 3400 communities, and approximately 60 million individuals.
- One tree can absorb as much carbon in a year as a car produces while driving 26,000 miles.
Over the course its life, a single tree can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide. - An average American uses about 750 pounds of paper every year, and 95% of homes are built using wood. That means each person uses the equivalent of one 100 foot tall, 16 inch diameter, tree every year for their paper and wood product needs.
- About one third of the United States of America is covered by forests.
- According to the last forest inventory, there are almost 247 billion trees over 1 inch in diameter in the U.S.
- The average tree in an urban/city area has a life expectancy of only 8 years.
- The tallest tree in the country is a Coast Redwood growing in northern California's Redwood National Park. It is 369 feet tall and over 2000 years old!
Mrs. K's Caramel Apple Cake
2 Eggs
2/3 cup of milk
1/4 cup of oil
1 can of caramal apple pie filling
1 box of Fiber One Apple Muffin Mix
Preheat oven to 425. Spray a clear 9x14 baking pan with non stick spray.
Spread the apple pie filling in the bottom of the pan.
Prepare muffin mix according to directions and spread out over the pie filling.
Bake until the top is golden brown, about 20 minutes or so.
Allow to cool and cut into 12 squares.
I topped mine with cool whip and caramel syrup.
The National Honor Society
I am really excited because I needed some good news with everything that has happened lately.
...And Away We Go!

I do acknowledge, however, that this is my 1st BIG birthday in the grand scheme of things. So, I wanted to do something a little bigger than I normally would. I decided, since I am on a bit of a spiritual quest as of late, that we would go to Sedona.
Sedona, if you don't know, is a small town in Arizona that has a strong reputation for natural beauty and spirituality. We are leaving this morning, after we drop the dogs off at camp. It is about a 5 hour drive. Thankfully Mark and I get along well enough to survive these things. We will drive back Sunday (my birthday).
Unlike my normal self, I have not planned out every detail of the trip. It's part of my transformation to be less strict and less controlling. I do want to get to Tlaquepaque Arts & Crafts Village. I am not a huge crafts person, but it looks like a really cool place. Also, I have scheduled a holistic pedicure. You can read more about that here. I am, also, planning a 1 hour meditation session near one of the famed vortexes. Lastly, I am on the lookout for a kyanite pendant or ring.
Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you for all my birthday wishes!!!
Where Were You?
My grandparents were getting ready to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on 9/9/01. I was living in Portland, OR at the time and Kathy had called and asked if I could come home for the occasion. Of course I said yes. I was going to be a surprise.
My trip was supposed to be from the 8th to the 12th. Just a long weekend. My roommate dropped me off at the airport on the morning of the 8th. It was a typical gray drizzly Portland morning. I remember this VERY clearly because while we were getting my bags out of the trunk there was a man running (literally) around and people were sort of stopped in the area waiting to see where he was going or what he was doing. He ended up running out of sight and I found my curbside check in and got in line with my bags.
A few minutes later I got shoved forward and into the person in front of me. I was instantly pissed off and whipped around. It was that same guy that had been running around moments earlier. The guy I got shoved into told him to watch it and the guy, of Middle Eastern descent, didn't seem to understand.
When I got to the front of the line, the man checking me in asked if we were travelling together (meaning the guy behind me who had shoved me). I explained that I didn't know who he was or why he was standing so close, but that we were definitely NOT travelling together. the man checking me in then yelled at the guy to back up and give people some space. I checked in and I was on my way to the gate.
I boarded, got to my seat, and we took off for Boston. You know after the plane takes off and then goes from facing skyward to being level again? Well, at that exact moment the shover from earlier stands up a few rows in front of me and on the opposite side!!!! OMG. The guy was acting so weird prior to this, and now he's heading to the bathrooms and he's all sweaty. I swear on my soul...this is a direct quote from that exact moment..."God, if this guy is going to hijack my plane please let him do it on the way back to Portland so I can see my family one last time." And then I said Hail Marys for the next 7 hours until we landed in Boston.
I will remind you, this happened to me on the 8th! We went about the weekend and my grandparents' anniversary. Then, it happened. I was sleeping in on the morning of the 11th, and my grandmother came into my old bedroom. I was still half asleep, but I will never forget her words. "Jessica! You need to get up! We are at war!" I got up at went into the living room where she was watching TV. She was crying and had her hand over her mouth...just shaking her head in disbelief. She kept saying "Who would do this to us?" And, the day went on and got worse and worse.
Like most of us, I can't really say what I was feeling then. Anger and sadness, of course...fear, vulnerable...patriotic. But, most of all, I do remember feeling so grateful that God had answered my prayer on the plane a few days earlier. He got me home safely so I could see my family. And, there was no place else on Earth I would rather have been at those moments in history.
Mrs. K's Creamy Fruit Salad

Grapefruits Are Greeeeat!
So here are 10 things grapefruits can do for you:

1.) Grapefruits are excellent cleanser for the digestive and urinary systems as well as rich in potassium and vitamin C.
2.) A regular consumption of grapefruits will also promote healthy skin. They are frequently used in the treatment of acne.
3.) For those who would like to reduce their weight, grapefruit is good because it reduces appetite
4.) Grapefruits will balances the nervous systems, relieves flu and will help the respiratory system
5. ) Grapefruits could help in treating osteoarthritis.
6.) The juices is also an excellent source of iron.
7.) Grapefruit essential oil is very popular for massaging because of the energizing and uplifting scent.
8.) The rich pink and red colors of grapefruit are due to lycopene. Lycopene appears to have anti-tumor activity.
9.) Both blond and red grapefruit can reduce blood levels of LDL ("bad") cholesterol, and red grapefruit lowers triglycerides as well.
10.) Want to reduce your risk of calcium oxalate kidney stones? Drink grapefruit juice. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that when women drank ½ to 1 liter of grapefruit, apple or orange juice daily, their urinary pH value and citric acid excretion increased, significantly dropping their risk of forming calcium oxalate stones.
Mrs. K's Loaded Baked Potato Salad
Here is what you need, and feel free to adjust the quantities to suit your own tastes:
- 2 lbs of potatoes (if you are taking this to a BBQ for a group I would do the whole 5lbs bag) and I use the the little red ones. I wash them, but do not peel them.
- A bottle of Ken's Buttermilk Ranch dressing
- A pound of bacon cooked EXTRA EXTRA crispy. Cool it on a paper towel, and chop into tiny pieces.
- 16 oz. of sour cream
- 1 yellow onion, finely chopped
- A few stalks of celery, finely chopped (enough to make a cup)
- 1/4 cup real mayonnaise
- 5 hard boiled eggs, chopped and cooled
1. I chop the potatoes into pretty small chunks and cook them in a frying pan with some butter and salt. Basically, you are making home fries. Put them to the side to cool.
2. The sauce. I hate mayo. So, I tried to make a similar consistency without a mayo taste or smell. Basically just mix the sour cream, ranch dressing, mayo, onion, and celery all together.
3. Toss the egg, potatoes, and bacon together together.
4. Mix the sauce in until everything is coated.
Let me know what you think.
I'm Baaaackk....
Don't lie.
I can't believe I wrote nothing for all of July. My excuse is that I went back to work after my foot resting episode and I took an accelerated summer class. I enjoyed the class even though it was super demanding. Monday through Thursday 6:00 to 8:30. We had a paper due and a test every Monday. Lots and lots of reading, but I found the subject matter interesting, so it wasn't too bad. It wasn't required for my degree, but it boosted my GPA. I got an A. The fall semester starts on the 25th, so I have a little time to myself and OD in the meantime.
Speaking of OD, I officially hate my job. I feel so burnt out. I don't have any pride or passion for what I do. I have looked around a little bit, but so far nothing. I really just want to go to school and get it done, but that is a scary idea for Mr. K, since he is a $$$$$ man. I say you need to spend $ to make $, and my education is an investment and the sooner I get done the better off we all will be.
What else? I got a hummingbird feeder. And, I have been watching like a little kid waiting for Santa for them to come. Up until 2 days ago...nothing. But, after my horrible day on Monday I was sitting outside with Cori and sure enough one came. It was really cool 'cause he came at sat in the tree, then he flew right up to my face...so close I flinched. Then I told him about the feeder and he flew away like he was leaving, but then turned and went over to it. YAY! His name is Sheridan.
Mark's brother and his wife are expecting a baby girl. Better them than me.
I started experimenting with essential oils. I wanted them to add to my homemade cleaning products. So far I have really only put them in the laundry, but I have read about mixing a few drops into the box of baking soda and scenting it for say, sprinkling on the carpet. I got lime and mandarin orange. And, its no joke...A LITTLE GOES A LOOOONG WAY.
Happy 25th Anniversary to Bobby & Jan!
I am off to buy some stones...
Hope your all having a great summer!
The Queen Of Marinades
But, since my new organicness requires that I actually turn on the stove...I have been giving it the old college try.
The most versatile skill I have been developing is the use of various marinades.
Last week it was the beer and garlic concoction.
The other day it was the mustard...which if I just may say was extremely yummy!
Last night is was half a bottle of white Merlot and a Tbl each of rosemary, basil, sage, and thyme.
And, tonight it is lime juice and coconut milk...and I am cooking my rice in coconut milk as well.
I love that I can throw everything in a giant bowl and let it soak overnight.
I feel like since whatever I am cooking makes the house smell so good and comes out with such flavor...that I have really accomplished something.
If any of you have ideas for really good marinades let me know!
Mrs. K's Mustard Chicken

Mustard Chicken
Cut chicken breast into strips (as many as you like)
Dredge chicken through mustard, and then seasoned bread crumbs.
bake until chicken is fully cooked and they are golden brown.
Easy and deliscious!
A Reason To Love July
The International Ice Cream Association (IICA) encourages retailers and consumers to celebrate July as National Ice Cream Month. In 2008, National Ice Cream Day will be Sunday, July 20.
The U.S. ice cream industry generates more than $21 billion in annual sales and provides jobs for thousands of citizens. About 9% of all the milk produced by U.S. dairy farmers is used to produce ice cream, contributing significantly to the economic well-being of the nation's dairy industry.
Founded in 1900, IICA is the trade association for manufacturers and distributors of ice cream and other frozen dessert products. The association's activities range from legislative and regulatory advocacy to market research, education and training. Its 80 member companies manufacture and distribute an estimated 85% of the ice cream and frozen dessert products consumed in the United States. IICA, as a constituent organization of the International Dairy Foods Association, can be found online at http://www.idfa.org/.
Check out these sites:
Horizon Organic
Green & Blacks Chocolate
Ben & Jerry's Organic
June Is National Iced tea Month

8-10 regular-sized

Mrs. K's Flatbread Philly
Anyway I ended up making these steak and cheese jobbies, and Mr. K said "This is the best thing you ever cooked...EVER!" Even though he meant it as a compliment, it was insulting because I threw it together in about 10 minutes...and I instantly recalled the numerous times I have been in the kitchen for hours at a time.
The bread was called NAAN, and it came in a few different flavors.
The meat was just a top sirloin that I cut into strips and marinated overnight in terryaki sauce. You can marinate in any sauce you like.
Here is the recipe:
1/2 lb. marinated top sirloin (cut into strips)
2 pieces of the NAAN
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 tbl olive oil
1/2 cup of cheese (whatever kind you like)
Preheat the oven to 350.
Lay 2 pieces of NAAN on a cookie sheet. Brush each with 1/2 tbl of olive oil. Sprinkle each with 1 and 1/2 cloves of minced garlic and 1/4 cup of cheese. Place cookie sheet in the center of the oven.
While, the bread is in the oven, saute the meat in a pan on medium heat for about 10 minutes.
Remove the bread from the oven and plate. Divide the strips of meat evenly over each one, and enjoy!
Jumpin' Jack Flash
It is freakin' ridiculous.
I went to Mr. K's restaurant opening this weekend in Beverly Hills, and the gas there was $4.99 per gallon. It's only slightly more than what we've been paying here in LV, but for some reason, the $5.00 mark was a new threshold for me.
After some minimal digging, HI, CA, and AK seem to top the list for the most expensive gas prices in the US. So, I guess if you don't live in one of those 3 states you can breathe a tiny sigh of relief.
I, also, found a list of gas prices around the world, and like the article says...."if you think you're paying a lot..."
On the other hand...twelve cents in Venezuela?!?!?!
It's so crazy! And, the supply and demand argument only goes so far, there are people who are getting richer and richer and we are helping them get there.
So, I started car shopping online for greener options and more economical choices as well. There is more out there than just the Prius! Here is a list of the greenest cars of 2008.
Honda really seems to be the front runner in the alternative fuel market their Civic GX model uses natural gas, and next year's FCX Clarity model uses hydrogen. Definitely worth looking into.
If you aren't in the market to buy a new car just yet, there are little things you can do while you are at the mercy of the big oil company's.
Here are 10 things you can do to conserve the gas you've got:
1. Follow the speed limit! Driving 75 mph instead of 65 mph will lower your fuel economy by about 10 percent.
2. Avoid aggressive driving. Flooring the gas pedal not only wastes gas, and it can be dangerous. I am bad at this one, and I know my friends in Boston are too! But, in the end, it's going to take as long as it takes to get there. It isn't worth the gas, the frustration, a ticket, or an accident.
3. Avoid rush hour. That's a tough one, but the stopping and starting you do in traffic uses more gas up than normal driving.
4. Take a load off. Carrying around an extra 100 pounds reduces fuel economy by about 1 percent. So, if you don't need it where you are going, don't take it! Only keep what you need in the trunk.
5. Conserve the AC. Using the AC increases fuel consumption. I am the biggest AC abuser. I am ALWAYS too hot. But, when it is cooler I do use the windows and the sunroof. When I can't get by on wind alone, I have started turning the AC down to the lowest setting I can, whereas before I kept it full blast the entire time I was in the car.
6. Buy LRR tires (Low-Rolling-Resistance). Switching to a typical set of replacement tires lowers a vehicle's fuel economy as much as 4 percent.
7. Routine Maintenance. Whether you do it yourself or go to a mechanic, a tune-up can increase your fuel economy. Changing the oil, too, will also help your car or truck last longer, replacing the oil and oil filter regularly will also help fuel economy.
8. Use regular gasoline unless your owner's manual says otherwise. Unless your car requires premium, high-octane fuels improve neither fuel economy nor performance and will just waste your money. Don't overfill the gas tank or try to top it off beyond where the automatic nozzle clicks off. Patronize gas stations that have vapor-recovery nozzles (those black, accordion-looking plastic devices attached to the nozzle) whenever you can.
9. Park in the shade in summer to keep your car cool and minimize evaporation of fuel. Windshield shades can cut down on summer heat and help keep the frost off in the winter.
10. Carpool. Why are we all so against this one? It is huge, not only for the environment, but it could cut your gas bill WAY down. Don't forget to start small, try it once a week, and see how it goes. Talk to your coworkers and see who's in. Don't forget to utilize airport shuttles too and save money on gas and parking!
Smell Like A Material Girl
The good news? It's organic and you can get a sample for only $20.
The bad news? If you like it, it's $150 for 1/4 oz!
Stop & Watch The Hummingbirds

Awesome Summer Snack
Try it!
I just buy a bunch of organic grapes...when I get home I pull them off the stems and into a collander. I wash them off and separate them into baggie and FREEZE.
The Joys Of H2O2...

Let me first say, I love hydrogen peroxide. I have always loved it.
When I was little my mother used it to clean cuts and scrapes and such. I was easily distracted by the bubbles, what can I say? This was before the invention of Neosporin I think, or maybe we were just po'.
Later, I just liked to say hydrogen peroxide because my grandmother would laugh and correct me, arguing it was just peroxide. You say tomato and I say tomaaaato...
Whatever the case it seems like everything has hydrogen peroxide in it these days...from toothpaste to laundry detergent.
I have no idea why, but Mr. K's mom emailed me this morning, to tell me it was on sale at
Wal-Mart. I, however, had already purchased three 2-bottle industrial sized packs from Costo for about $3! Admittedly, I haven't tapped into my supply yet, but I have done an eensy bit of digging on what all this product can do for you.
1. Bleach alternative. Even though I LOVE the smell, Bleach itself is WAY evil to the environment, especially if it winds up in the oceans. So, go green and add a cup to your whites.
2. Whitening Toothpaste. As smart as we are, its amazing what we blindly put in our mouths. If you walk down the toothpaste aisle you're sure to see tons of pastes offering baking soda and/or peroxide. So why pay $4 a tube and get all the other crap, too? Take a tablespoon of baking soda and enough peroxide to make it a paste. Add the flavor you miss with a drop of mint extract or a pinch of cinnamon.
3. Antiseptic Mouthwash. I don't have an exact recipe for this one. I read different recommendations from a tablespoon of peroxide in a glass of water all the way up to gargling with straight peroxide. In any case, the peroxide will aid in the healing of mouth sores, kill bad breath germs, and and work on whitening in those hard to reach spots.
4. De-yellower? To remove yellowing from lace curtains or tablecloths, fill a sink with cold water and a 2 cups of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Soak for at least an hour, rinse in cold water and air dry. Again, there is a bleaching process going on here, so don't try it on darks.
5. Vegetable rinse. To help kill bacteria such as E. Coli on fruits and vegetables, add a quarter cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide to a sink full of cold water. immerse, rinse with cold water and drain. By killing bacteria this will also help keep fruit and vegetables fresher for longer. You can also use a spray bottle containing a 50/50 mix of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water - just spray and rinse.
6. Kill Fingernail and Toenail Fungus. Soak your fingernails or toenails in a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide every day and it will kill harmful fungus.
7. Help Houseplants Grow Healthier. Mix up an ounce of hydrogen peroxide into a cup of water and spray your houseplants with this solution. It will help your houseplants grow greener and more lush. I found this one on a few sites, but never found what it actually does to the plant.
8. Remove Waxy Build Up From Your Ears. Tilt your head and put three or four drops of hydrogen peroxide into the ear that has the waxy build up. Let it set for 5-10 minutes. Then, flush your ear out carefully with warm water. Maybe better to try right before a shower. i also found 2 sites that said doing this on a regular basis in both ears prevents colds and sinus infections. Hmm...
9. Kitchen/Bathroom Sanitizer. Mix up a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and tap water and pour it into a spray bottle. Use it to sanitize your counter tops, appliances and help keep your kitchen or bathroom germ-free. Only make enough for a single use because hydrogen peroxide the peroxide breaks down. There is a reason it comes in a brown bottle! Light is the enemy. When you're done, pour the extra into the toilet to clean that too!
10. Antiseptic. We all know this one.
These were the most common household uses I found. Give them a try and let me know what works or doesn't work. If you want more information on what hydrogen peroxide really is and how it really works click here.
Mrs. K's Chicken, Broccoli, & Ziti

YAY...I finally found a recipe that Mr. K really liked. I know he liked it because he asked for seconds, but then again he may have just been starving because he hadn't eaten all day because of his dental escapades. I am going to be optimistic.